Medically dependent or vulnerable customers

A customer is considered 'medically dependent' if they are dependent on mains electricity for critical medical support, where the loss of electricity may result in loss of life or serious harm.

A customer is vulnerable if, for reasons of age, health or disability, the disconnection of electricity presents a clear threat to the health or wellbeing of that customer and/or it is genuinely difficult for the customer to pay his or her electricity bills because of severe financial insecurity, whether temporary or permanent.

If you think you or anyone living at your property, whether or not they are named on the electricity bill, fits either of the above descriptions, please contact us immediately on 0800 847 857.

If you believe that, at some time in the future, you may have difficulties with your payments or communicating with us, you can appoint one or more alternate contacts who agree to assist if a disconnection or payment issue is pending. An alternate contact could be a family member, friend or a social agency or support person.