The wholesale energy market as of late has been getting significantly more attention in the media. Most recently the main reasons for this have been the steep hike in electricity and gas prices for the everyday New Zealander, the staggering profits made by three of the Gentailers and the Government’s focus and criticism of this.
Electricity generation is complex with many participants and the everyday New Zealander is usually not aware of how the industry operates and the reasons for power price increases. At Reliance Utilities, we believe that sharing our in-depth knowledge of the industry with New Zealanders better equips them to have more control over their power bills. This is why we are on a mission to shed light on how the industry operates, the tools and options available for consumers and how to be more efficient in using power.
To begin with, let’s look at some of the key players in the energy industry:
While there are several generation companies, the majority of New Zealand power is generated by four companies – Meridian, Genesis, Mercury and Contact. These companies are also operating as retailers. Most of our power is generated through renewable sources such as hydro, wind and geothermal. According to the Electricity Authority website, in 2022, 87% of our power was generated through renewable sources. Despite this, the reliance on renewable energy sources like hydro has led to price volatility when conditions are not favourable, such as during dry spells that reduce hydro capacity.
Generators need to compete in the wholesale market to sell the power they generate. The wholesale market is where Generators sell electricity and retailers buy electricity through the spot and hedge markets. Retailers then sell that electricity to businesses and households in New Zealand.
The wholesale market consists of two main components: the spot market and hedge market. Since electricity cannot be stored, the amount of electricity produced needs to match the amount consumed. Otherwise, there could be blackouts. The Spot market is used to match the supply and demand of electricity and also to calculate the price based on this.
Generators make offers to supply electricity. These offers are made to cover a half-hour period into the future. Transpower who acts as the system operator, then ranks these offers in the order of the lowest price. They also take into consideration how far the generator is from the area where power is needed.
Retailers and major users then make bids to buy that power. Prices are usually more expensive for areas that are further from areas where power is produced.
In the hedge market, Generators enter into future financial contracts with other participants. For both Generators and Retailers, the hedge market helps them protect against the rapid price changes in the spot market, reducing risk.
In August this year, Consumer NZ, Stuff and other major media outlets raised an alarm over the large profits reported by the top four gentailers – Merdian, Contact, Mercury and Genesis. The combined profits of these gentailers were a staggering $2.7 billion. That’s around $7.4 million profit every day over the past 12 months.
This has come at a time when businesses and households are under immense pressure with higher than-ever power prices and a slow economy.
Part of the problem could be how the New Zealand energy market is set up. We have recently experienced a shortage in New Zealand's hydro lakes, which is about 47% below normal levels earlier this year. This has created a scarcity resulting in generators increasing their prices in the wholesale market. Moreover, daily charges in Auckland, for example, have risen by 8.6% since April 2024. (Vector, 2024) (MBIE, 2024)
Associate Energy Minister, Shane Jones commented that the government is exploring the option of intervening into the electricity market to force major energy generators to cut prices.
While this may be a potential solution in the long run, an overhaul of the energy market, or government involvement may take a considerable amount of time. In the meantime, businesses and families are feeling the pressure of having high power prices. The best way we can do that in the immediate future is to create competition through proactively shopping around and negotiating with retailers for better rates. Yes, it takes a lot of time and knowledge, but in this market, its well worth it.